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Военный факультет : [1294] Community home page

Военный факультет осуществляет подготовку кадровых офицеров для Вооруженных Сил и других силовых структур и ведомств Республики Беларусь. Кроме того, осуществляет подготовку студентов университета по программам подготовки: младших командиров и офицеров запаса.

The Military Faculty provides training of cadre officers for the Armed Forces and other uniformed services and agencies of the Republic of Belarus. The training lasts 4.5 years (since 2013) In addition, it trains university students in junior leaders' and reserve officers' training programmes. Today officership is an opportunity to find a decent profession. We offer: high-quality free education, full state maintenance at the time of study, guaranteed employment after graduation, decent remuneration, social protection of military personnel, professional career.


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