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Title: Filtration of Videographic Data by Means of Hartley Discrete Transform
Authors: Mitsiukhin, A.
Karcheuski, A.
Keywords: публикации ученых;ecological monitoring;spectral correlation image processing;localization of the image objects
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: TU Ilmenau
Citation: Mitsiukhin, A. Filtration of Videographic Data by Means of Hartley Discrete Transform / A. Mitsiukhin, A. Karcheuski // Proccedings 53. IWK «Prospects in Mechanical Engineering», Ilmenau, 8-12 September 2008 / Technische Universität Ilmenau. – Ilmenau, 2008. – Р. 365–366.
Abstract: The aerospace multiregion probing is used for the purpose of ecological monitoring, detection of ignition of peatbog deposits and woodlands, accounting the land soli resources, etc. Reducing the volumes of the video graphic information is critical for improving the efficiency of the monitoring. The purpose of this paper consists in demonstrating the method of spectral correlation image processing reducing the excessiveness when selecting the spectral signs, detection and localization of the image objects. The dispersion filtration of the spectral characteristics of the object being observed by means of the algorithm for computing the Hartley discrete two-dimensional orthogonal transform (DHT) is considered.
Appears in Collections:Публикации в зарубежных изданиях

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