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dc.contributor.authorSharstniou, A.-
dc.contributor.authorNiauzorau, S. A.-
dc.contributor.authorChubenko, E. B.-
dc.contributor.authorAzeredo, B. P.-
dc.contributor.authorBondarenko, V. P.-
dc.identifier.citationMorphology dependent optical properties of ZnO/SiNWs nanocomposites / A. Sharstniou and other // MRS Advances. – 2017. – Vol.2, Iss.58 – 59. – P. 3667 – 3672. – DOI: 10.1557/adv.2017.367.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractZinc oxide/silicon nanowires (ZnO/SiNWs) nanocomposites is a promising material for heterojunction solar cells. They combine the low-reflectivity of SiNWs, where photogenerated charge carriers are produced and harvested, and the high transparency of ZnO, which serves as a functional transparent conductive electrode. In this paper, we present a study of the anti-reflective properties of ZnO/SiNWs core-shell nanostructures. SiNWs were fabricated by a two-step metal-assisted chemical etching and coated with ZnO by electrochemical deposition. Particularly, the change in the specular reflectance of ZnO/SiNWs nanocomposites as a function of thermal annealing temperature under ambient atmosphere is investigated. First, it was shown that the reflectance in the wavelength range of 400-1000 nm of as-synthesized ZnO/SiNWs nanocomposites increases when compared to the bare SiNWs formed from Si wafers with resistivity of 0.3 and 12 Ω∙cm by an 0.51 % and 0.47 %, respectively. Second, it was found that annealed ZnO/SiNWs had a 0.26 % and 0.17 % lower reflectance in the wavelength range of 400-1000 nm than as-synthesized ZnO/SiNWs and yet higher than bare SiNWs. Potential causes such results are discussed in the context of existing literature.ru_RU
dc.publisherCambridge University Pressru_RU
dc.subjectпубликации ученыхru_RU
dc.subjectzinc oxideru_RU
dc.subjectsilicon nanowiresru_RU
dc.subjectelectrochemical depositionru_RU
dc.titleMorphology dependent optical properties of ZnO/SiNWs nanocompositesru_RU
Appears in Collections:Публикации в зарубежных изданиях

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