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dc.contributor.authorKovalev, V. A.-
dc.contributor.authorVoynov, D.-
dc.contributor.authorRoskach, R.-
dc.contributor.authorYarashevich, A.-
dc.contributor.authorJarin, G.-
dc.identifier.citationContent-based image retrieval from whole slide histolgy scans / V. A. Kovalev and others // BIG DATA Advanced Analytics: collection of materials of the fourth international scientific and practical conference, Minsk, Belarus, May 3 – 4, 2018 / editorial board: М. Batura [etc.]. – Minsk, BSUIR, 2018. – Р. 55 – 58.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents results that were obtained during solving problem of searching stained regions of tissue. The object of research is whole slide histology scans of tissue sections, that were damaged by cancer. The main idea is transformation of colored image to a gray-scale one, then splitting it to tiles for which different descriptors (intensity histogram, co-occurence matrix) are calculated. The similarity map is obtained by applying comparing of precalculated descriptors of tiles with descriptor of tile that represents damaged region of tissue using metrics (L1, L2, Chi-metric) and visualization using existing color maps. The conclusion was that this methodology can be effectively used to perform query searching fast even on non-specialized computers.ru_RU
dc.subjectматериалы конференцийru_RU
dc.subjectcontent-based image retrievalru_RU
dc.subjectwhole slide imagesru_RU
dc.subjectimage descriptorsru_RU
dc.subjectsimilarity mapsru_RU
dc.titleContent-based image retrieval from whole slide histolgy scansru_RU
Appears in Collections:BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics. Использование BIG DATA для оптимизации бизнеса и информационных технологий (2018)

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