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Title: Using the imagej software for determining parameters of microstructure of nanoporous materials by the results of sem image processing
Authors: Lushpa, N. V.
Lawah, A. I.
Chernyakova, E. V.
Vrublevsky, I. A.
Keywords: материалы конференций;nanoporous materials;surface morphology;microstructure;SEM images;ImageJ
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: БГУИР
Citation: Using the imagej software for determining parameters of microstructure of nanoporous materials by the results of sem image processing / N. V. Lushpa and others // BIG DATA Advanced Analytics: collection of materials of the fourth international scientific and practical conference, Minsk, Belarus, May 3 – 4, 2018 / editorial board: М. Batura [etc.]. – Minsk, BSUIR, 2018. – Р. 136 – 138.
Abstract: The results of studies of the microstructure parameters of nanoporous materials using the ImageJ program are presented. Pore diameter of the nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide was determined from the results of processing the SEM images of the film surface. An algorithm for processing images for determining the pore diameter in nanoporous materials was proposed. The results obtained for the nanoporous structure of the materials under investigation are in a good agreement with those available in the literature.
Appears in Collections:BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics. Использование BIG DATA для оптимизации бизнеса и информационных технологий (2018)

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