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dc.contributor.authorLaney, D.-
dc.identifier.citationLaney, D. Infonomics: the new economics of information / D. Laney // BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics = BIG DATA и анализ высокого уровня: сб. материалов VI Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Минск, 20-21 мая 2020 года: в 3 ч. Ч. 3 / редкол.: В. А. Богуш [и др.]. – Минск : Бестпринт, 2020. – С. 432–438.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIncreasingly, IT and business leaders talk about information as one of their most important assets. But few behave as if it is. Executives report to the board on the health of their workforce, their financials, their customers, and their partnerships, but rarely the health of their information assets. And corporations typically exhibit greater discipline in managing and accounting for their office furniture than their data. In this talk, Mr. Laney will share insights from his best-selling book, Infonomics, about how organizations can actually treat information as an actual enterprise asset. He will discuss why information both is and isn’t an asset and property, and what this means to organizations and data leaders such as chief data officers. And he will cover the issues of information ownership, rights, and privileges, along with alternative data challenges and opportunities, and his set of generally accepted information principles culled from other asset management disciplines. This presentation will be beneficial for those looking to help their organization move beyond the trite “data is an asset” or “data is the new oil” lip-service to actually begin acting that way. Participants will learn and have an opportunity to discuss: how to monetize information assets in a wide variety of ways, including a number of real world examples; how to manage information as an actual asset by apply asset management principles and practices from other asset domains; how to measure information’s potential and realized value to help budget for and prove data management benefits; how classic microeconomic concepts can be applied to information for improved data architecture & management, and economic benefits.ru_RU
dc.subjectматериалы конференцийru_RU
dc.subjecteconomic benefitsru_RU
dc.titleInfonomics: the new economics of informationru_RU
Appears in Collections:BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics = BIG DATA и анализ высокого уровня : материалы конференции (2020)

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