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Title: Modeling of optical properties of hybrid metal-organic nanostructures
Authors: Ponyavina, A.
Barbarchyk, K.
Zamkovets, A.
Tikhomirov, S.
Keywords: материалы конференций;conference proceedings;hybrid metal-organic nanostructures
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: БГУИР
Citation: Modeling of optical properties of hybrid metal-organic nanostructures / A. Ponyavina [et. al.] // Nano-Desing, Tehnology, Computer Simulations=Нанопроектирование, технология, компьютерное моделирование (NDTCS-2021) : тезисы докладов XIX Международного симпозиума, Минск, 28-29 октября 2021 года / Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники ; редкол.: В. А. Богуш [и др.]. – Минск, 2021. – P. 46–48.
Abstract: The development of modern nanotechnologies for the production of effective elements of nanophotonics, nanoplasmonics and nanoelectronics is largely aimed at the creation of hybrid nanostructures which include both plasmonic and organic components. One of the types of such hybrid nanostructures are ultradisperse media consisting of plasmonic metal-containing nanoparticles embedded in a matrix of organic semiconductors. With dense packing of nanoparticles in such nanocomposites, interparticle electrodynamic interactions associated with near-field scattering and coherent re-irradiation by particles of each other have the most important influence on their optical properties. By changing the material, size, shape or internal structure of plasmonic nanoparticles included in a hybrid metal-semiconductor nanocomposite, it is possible to adjust the degree of overlap of the spectral absorption bands of the nanocomposite components, which, in turn, affects the severity of near-field interparticle interactions. One of the ways to control the near-field scattering efficiency and absorption spectra characteristics of plasmon nanoparticles is to apply shells on their surfaces. This circumstance determines the importance of developing methods for modeling the optical properties of hybrid metal-organic nanostructures containing two-layer nanoparticles.
Appears in Collections:NDTCS 2021

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