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Title: Shadow Detection and Removal from Hand Imagesusing Synthetic Dataset
Authors: Shi-Jinn Horng
Minh-Tuong Le
Dinh-Trung Vu
Thi-Van Nguyen
Keywords: материалы конференций;shadow detection;shadow removal;synthetic dataset;biometric access;contactless hand based system;deep learning
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: BSU
Citation: Shadow Detection and Removal from Hand Imagesusing Synthetic Dataset / Shi-Jinn Horng [et al.] // Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP'2023) = Распознавание образов и обработка информации (2023) : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, October 17–19, 2023, Minsk, Belarus / United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. – Minsk, 2023. – P. 29–34.
Abstract: There is a significant demand for biometric accessin terms of authentication recently. In addition to the fingerprint recognition system, contactless hand-based biometric systems,such as palm vein recognition, have emerged as notable approaches. However, palm vein recognition systems face numerous challenges in real-world environments, one of which is shadows. Shadows can disrupt the palm vein structure and lead to incorrect recognition. In this project, our goal is to enhance palm vein images by addressing the issue of shadows on hand.To achieve this, we carried out experiments involving the ST- CGAN and SP+M Net in addition to a hand extraction modulefor shadow detection and shadow removalspecifically on thehand. In addition, rather than using the unchanged shadow mask for model training, we introduce a random shape generator to produce the random shadow mask. Furthermore, we also presenta method for generating a new synthetic dataset during each training iteration, which aims to enrich the dataset and improve the training process.
Appears in Collections:Pattern Recognition and Information Processing (PRIP'2023) = Распознавание образов и обработка информации (2023)

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