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Title: Searching for Optmal Synchronizing Sequences for Testng Logic Circuits
Authors: Cheremisinova, L. D.
Черемисинова Л. Д.
Keywords: conference materials;материалы конференций;integrated circuits;интегральные схемы;design automation;автоматизация проектирования;verification;верификация;testing logic circuits;тестирование логических схем
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: БГУИР
Citation: Cheremisinova, L. D. Searching for Optmal Synchronizing Sequences for Testng Logic Circuits / L. D. Cheremisinova // Информационные технологии и системы 2011 (ИТС 2011) : материалы международной научной конференции, БГУИР, Минск, Беларусь, 26 октября 2011 г. = Information Technologies and Systems 2011 (ITS 2011) : Proceeding of The International Conference, BSUIR, Minsk, 26th October 2011 / редкол.: Л. Ю. Шилин [и другие]. – Минск : БГУИР, 2011. – C. 264-265.
Abstract: The problem under consideration is to find a synchronizing sequence for a logic network with memory. A novel method is proposed that is based on formulation of the task as Boolean satisfiability problem solved with any standard SAT solver. The developed method allows creating a Boolean equation presenting the problem in conjunctive normal form.
ISBN: 978-985-488-816-3
Appears in Collections:ИТС 2011

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